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Etter flere mislykkede forsk p utvikle en offisiell maskot introduserte Vikings endelig Viktor the Viking under 2007 sesongen. Laget hadde lenge uttrykt et nske om en maskot som i hovedsak ville appellere til lagets yngre tilhengere. Viktor the Viking, en muskulr, blond mann med bart, brukte en Vikings trye med 1 og en stor Vikings hjelm med horn og en liten gul nesebeskytter. Fra 1970 til 1992 kledde lastebilsjfren Hub Meeds seg ut som en viking og var lagets maskot. Meeds ba om f bli lagets maskot etter at han ved et uhell ble sluppet inn p banen under Super Bowl IV. Fra 1994 til 2015 var lagets maskot Ragnar spilt av Joseph Juranitch og var basert p den legendariske vikingen Ragnar Lodbrok.

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his study is very interesting because it is a human study and positive results were seen in the relatively short 12 week study, which is pretty unheard of when it comes to AD!I couldn't find "Niacinamide" nor "B3" listed under the big main "Supplements" Tab, so I'll put it here. Also, I note some topics have a "Remedies Wanted" URL link on the right, yet others like this Alzheimers don't?Supposedly, according to very recent research at UC Irvine on mice, daily high doses of plain old niacinamide form of Vitamin B3 NOT the niacin form, which gives the "hot flush", in amounts equivalent to 2000 3000 mg/day per adult human divided into 4 doses, totally reverses Alzheimers within about 4 months!The B Vitamins are all water soluble, so like Vitamin C to get maximum flooding of body tissues they need to be taken in doses spread out throughout the day. Any Search with about 4 of the keywords will return dozens of results. This one is late 2009:ow does niacinamide work?Neurons are constructed with microtubules. These are scaffolding within the cells that conduct information. When the microtubules break down, the cells can die.

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